hack windows 7 without any software.

first of all you need a windows 7 CD
you should set boot priority cd drive first
then put windows cd in cd drive and restart your Pc.
when computer starts boot, a windows box will Appear.
1. Click on "Next" section
2. Click on "Repair your computer " option.

it will detect the windows operating system after some time

3. Then click on "Next button".
Another box will Open
4. click on " command promt" option.

Now command prompt will open

5. Now type "copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\" and press "enter".
6. Now Type "copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe" and press enter.
7 Now Again type "yes" and press "enter"
8. Now type "exit" and exit cmd
9. Then click on "restart"

wait for some time to login computer

=> After start computer You need to press "shift" key for 5 times putting the courser inside password field.
=> Then a dialogue box will open with Cmd.
10. click on "yes" button.
11. then type in cmd again "net user windows7 1234567" and press enter then exit from cmd.
Note :- your password is "1234567", you can put any password as you want.

Now your password has changed.

12. Enter your New password "1234567".

windows will open .

enjoy .
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